Culture stone mold technical training
artificial stone mould
artificial stone technical training
artificial culture stone mould
how to make culture stone
artificial culture stone technology

artificial culture stone technology 

 Good news!
 Since January 1, 2011, in my factory mold purchase materials within a year full of more than 10 tons, free to send technical personnel on-site support and set up factories! Each area is limited to one! This mode of cooperation is suitable for the production of the order has been taken as soon as possible the production of delivery details, please call advisory!

To ensure project success rate, we will use professional support and set up factories in cooperation with you, hope to our technical superiority change into the social productive forces and interested in the creation of artificial culture stone factory entrepreneurs, also welcome have natural stone factory has knows the gentleman launched artificial culture stone project to as a supplement to natural stone to achieve the complementary product line.
Specific support can be taken to set up factories:
1, to provide a full set of production equipment, professional and technical personnel to support the local factories;
2, send 1-2 celebrity to my factory to learn, to ensure that the full set of production process and the production of qualified products, their own products can be brought back, can be based on the need to decide whether we need to provide equipment.
The 3, wanted to join factory, provide technical support, provide a mature brand trademark.
4, to provide a full set of technology, equipment, brands, mold.
The above situation, according to your local market conditions and the actual needs of you, the specific cooperation, please call advisory.
Also in order to let the newly opened factory can immediately get on the horse and market sales, we can provide products registered trademark licensing (products for sale must be annotated brand products in the outer packing, otherwise it can not be listed for sale).
Has been offered for investors in artificial culture stone factory, if you in the production bottleneck or don't want to make your own mold of man-made cultural stone procurement culture stone mold would like to, please contact us. We will also wholeheartedly at your service!
While providing cultural stone mold leasing service, if some culture stone factory temporary orders need to add cultural stone moulds can contact us, we can provide culture stone mold leasing business, eliminating the need for you to make culture stone moulds large expenses.
The national unified hotline (over the holidays): 4006381508 (call does not need to add code)
Address: Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, the way to the hospital
Tel: 0086-311-8987 3483       15383737698 (SMS contact)
QQ:1289705881 (QQ message must be recovered within 24 hours)
URL: Http://
Blog address:
Factory entity: Shijiazhuang red grass Bay artificial culture stone factory
Special statement:
1, the factory does not accept any steal behavior, this plan please bypass! Please understand!!
2, if we need to your study you need us to move back and forth travel expenses burden, so unless you really have sincere cooperation, otherwise please don't waste our time and energy and money, thank you for your cooperation!


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